
Thu, 03 November 2016

2nd team lost 2-10

Fillies A lost 6-3

Mon, 31 October 2016

1st Team lost 11-1

Thu, 27 October 2016

1st lost 3-9

Thu, 27 October 2016

2nd lost 2-10

Wed, 26 October 2016

1st     - Chisipite A

2nd    - Convent A

3rd     - Bishopslea A

4th     - Chisipite B

5th     - Convent B

6th     - Bishopslea B

Thu, 20 October 2016

2nd lost 0-12

Fillis A lost 1-15

Thu, 20 October 2016

1st won 10-3

Wed, 19 October 2016

Chisipite and St.Johns A             -1st

Bishopslea and Ruzawi A            -2nd

Convent and Hartmann House A -3rd

Chisipite and St.Johns B              -4th

Bishopslea and Ruzawi B            -5th

Convent and Hartmann House B -6th

Thu, 06 October 2016

1st won 11- 5

2nd won 7-2

Fillies A lost 6-10

Fillies B won 12-4

Wed, 05 October 2016

1st  - hellenic

2nd  Eaglesvale

3rd  - Chisipite

4th  - Convent

5th  - Bishopslea A

6th  - Lilfordia

7th  - Lomagundi

8th  - Bishopslea B
